How to ACHIEVE Your Goals With These 3 Powerful Goal Setting Tips

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Hello gorgeous soul!

I’m so glad you are here :-)

Welcome to yet another amazing opportunity!

Another fresh, sparkling year to create what you desire...

But where to begin you ask!

This time of year is classic for ambitious goal-setting (have you seen the gyms in January?? :-) )

But, for many, by mid January, our goals are taking their toll and we’re not quite so inspired, motivated and passionate.

We begin to slack, we feel we’ve let ourselves down and the negative self talk (and beliefs) kick in. Does this resonate?

Or you begin to feel overwhelmed, confused, and don’t know what to focus on first, or HOW to actually achieve the goals you’ve set?

So, what to do?

Well, over the coming days and blog posts, I want to share with you some tips and tools I’ve learnt along the way from various mentors and coaches and training I’ve done to help you set and achieve your goals.

We ALL need accountability and hand-holding when it comes to dream-achieving. And I’m here to support you :-)

This is exactly why I became a Coach & Belief & Energy Practitioner – because without the support, I would not be flying in the way I am today.

Life is all about experimenting (in my view) – and this should be FUN, not setting something for ourselves and getting despondent about it.

So in this series of New Year posts, I’m going to break things down with some invitations of things for you to do to get you inspired about your goals.

And actually start ACHIEVING them – beyond mid January’s slack-off stage ;-)

Are you in?

So without further ado, this first post is all about:


Have you ever tried to set goals without a clear, over-arching plan or intention of where you’re heading or what you’re specifically trying to achieve (and why)?

Without the CLEAR VISION, it’s basically impossible to set goals and achieve them.

A clear vision has to be super specific.

For example, if you want to lose weight – how much weight exactly do you want to lose? And when do you want to lose it by?

And if you want to increase your client numbers in your business – how many clients exactly would you like each week, month or quarter?

Clarity of vision means:

a)    You have set the sat nav of your sub-conscious to know exactly what it is seeking

b)    It will know exactly when you have arrived and then your can re-set it/move to stage 2

Without setting the destination/clear vision, you will find you go all over the place and end up no-where (not achieving your goal), or certainly nowhere you wanted to be!

The second most important element is to set a COMPELLING VISION.

Diets often don’t work because they are associated with denying yourself things, whereas creating new habits means you are creating a way of life so you are consistently achieving.

You want to create a compelling and exciting vision so you can stay motivated and inspired.

This means doing things in a way that feels aligned with you and excites you

And also, keeps you in touch with your WHY.

Why do you want to lose weight?

Is it so you feel good and look good for a certain event coming up in your life?

Is it because you feel you will be healthier and you know your health is your wealth?

And if you want to increase clients and profit margins in your business, is it because you created your business to change lives, and leave a positive legacy in the world?

If so, what is this legacy? (Your why you do what you do).

Your WHY, will keep you on track, far more than a random goal you set yourself just because you either should or you feel you ‘need to’.

Get excited about your why and how your goals are going to have a positive ripple effect on you, others and the world at large.

You can access the My Wonderful Why Training & download the Worksheet here if you haven’t already got it ;-)

Sooooooo…. are you ready to dive in and get action-taking dear one?

Let’s do this!

My invitation for today is to start with these 3 powerful goal-setting tips:

1)    Decide on just ONE goal you want to achieve (one goal is much easier to achieve than too many!) and know the exact details of what you want to achieve

2)    Write out, draw out or vision-board out that exact destination and what it looks like 90 days from now (we’re going to be working to the 90 day plan and I’m going to be doing it with you ;-)

3)    Make it exciting – know WHY you are doing it. Write your why out and put it all over the place so you can see it daily (along with your vision board).

Have fun doing this – get exciting, get your journal out, get collaging and get DREAMING big, on just one key thing you wish to achieve in the next 90 days.

In the next post we are going to look at how to set up your 90 day plan with do-able action-steps.



How To Start Creating Your 90 Day Goal-Achieving Plan!


11 Steps To Successful Manifesting