11 Steps To Successful Manifesting


Here I share all my top strategies and techniques I’ve learnt in order to be a masterful (and successful) manifester….

Let’s delve in…

1.     Set a clear intention of what you wish to achieve and where you wish to be

2.     Master your emotions – act from a place of chosen response, rather than a default ‘reactive’ response. Choose how to BE ahead of time and events, as what you are, is what you attract

3.     Being GRATEFUL every single day. Say it out loud, but more than that, write it out. Declare your gratitude in the present and ahead of time (what is not yet here)

4.     Ask – oh my, this is huuuuuuuge, if we do not ask, we do not receive. Asking comes in the form of asking your higher self, Creator of all that is, your mentor, your partner, your next-door neighbor, whoever – but if you desire, then ask in order for it to be given

5.     The law of trust and detachment. Have faith and trust it will arrive and detach from the outcome. Know what is meant to be will be. Plus, in incarnate reality there is always a ‘gestation’ period

6.     Remove any sub-conscious self-limiting beliefs that may block what you are asking for. If you aren’t aware of what you believe, you are unable to change it and create what you wish for as fast and as powerfully

7.     Create a vision-board with words and images of what you wish to ‘bring’ into your life. I don’t know one successful manifester who doesn’t have their vision and desires down on paper both in words and images :-)

8.     BE what you wish to HAVE. If you want more money be generous, if you want more love and friendship, be more loving and a great friend to others. In other words GIVE what you wish to have yourself

9.     Visualise ahead of time what you wish to bring into your life. See it, feel into it, create it all as a vision in your mind’s eye – you are setting your reticular activating system to then recognise it when it arrives in reality

10.  Meditate and connect with your intuition. You are connected to ‘all that is’. In order to create what you wish for faster and more directly, meditate so you can connect with your intuition to access all that is. You intuition KNOWS THE ANSWER, you simply haven’t connected. Ask and the answer will be given about what you need to do next

11.  Take ACTION. The steps above won’t amount to much without the action taken to realise (bring into reality) what it is you wish to create. Clear, consistent action, with all the above will bring you a new reality

Download your 5 Morning Success Rituals Workbook here to get started straight away!

These steps, practiced regularly will change your life… how do I know?

Because I’ve spent many years practicing and experimenting to get my life to a place where I’m creating what I desire and feeling good. Where outcomes are positive and I get to do my passion-work.

I founded Soul Space Healers with the understanding you can create what you desire in your life.

I get to have a positive impact on the world, rather than living in quiet desperation, anxiety and depression – not knowing what to do or how to change it.

To CREATE intentionally and SEE and FEEL results is the best thing ever, and encapsulates the private client work I do :-)

When we work one on one, I go deeper into the ‘how’s’ and if you are interested in finding out more about how to work with me, please email: info@soulspacehealers - I will reply :-)

Or click here for your personalized one on one belief-work sessions, to remove self-limiting beliefs (if you feel this is what is blocking you).

In love, light and positive creation.



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