Achieving Your 90 Day Goal Plan + A Morning Routine to Get Things Done!

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In the previous two posts (start here) we spoke about setting your ONE BIG GOAL which you will achieve in the next 90 Days (you may have more than one for the year, but focus on one for now).

Then for this one big goal, we broke it down into 4 other tasks (see previous post here).

In this post, we look at assigning 4/5 small or mini-goals to each of the 4 tasks.

This will help you break the one big goal down even further…

Allowing you to climb the mountain one do-able step at a time.

So, taking our previous example of wanting to build a website or single landing page with an offer – we established the tasks assigned to this:

1.     Create a Pinterest Board with all the fonts, colours, images that creates the mood and feeling I want to create when someone visits my site or page

2.     I need to research other people’s sites in my market who I admire or like what they’ve done (and the key here is not to copy, but to model); what works for me, what doesn’t

3.     Then I need to research into what the best offers/prices/platforms out there that might host my site/page – eg. free ones, or paid ones, the best ones and note down your findings

4.     Next, I need to find someone to set it up (start asking for referrals) or find a training course to do it myself

5.     I need to plan out my landing page offer


For each of the 4 to 5 tasks, we can break them down further (your mini-goals):

Point 1:

a)    Create a Pinterest Account

b)    Start looking for images to pin

c)     Start a notebook to take note of ‘things I like’ or want to have on my site

d)    Think of and note down key words I’d like to have on my own site

Point 2:

a)    Find 5 other people in my niche and look at their websites

b)    Note down what words resonate with me

c)     What images am I drawn to and why – what feelings do they evoke?

d)    Google key words for your niche and see what sites come up

Point 3:

a)    Start asking around for recommendations for best website platforms

b)    Join a Facebook group to support me with this task (ask questions in the group)

c)     Head over to the different platforms and compare prices

d)    Decide on one I’m going to use

Point 4)

a)    Join an online forum to discover who can help me build my website

b)    Ask for recommendations on who can help me build my site – enroll someone to help

c)     Google training courses to help me build my site or landing page myself & start training!

Point 5)

a)    See what others in my field are offering on their sites

b)    Make a note of what offers I’m drawn to (if your ideal clients are those like yourself)

c)     Decide on format for my landing page offer: pdf, checklist, template, worksheet, mini-course

d)    How can I build this quickly and easily (my top tip would be & use youtube for a tutorial on how to use it) or find out who I can pay to build my freebie for me

Now, it’s super easy to put all of this off ‘until tomorrow’ so for each day of the week assign yourself, one mini goal: make it your priority action of the day.

And ensure you have these mini goals attached to your 4 big tasks so that the big picture is always forefront.

You don’t want to get lost in the detail and forget your big goal!

Make a personal commitment you are going to achieve your goal in the next 90 days.

Whether your goal is:

-       Building a website or landing page with an offer on

-       Losing that specific amount of weight and taking up exercise

-       Creating a new course you want to offer your new and existing clients

-       Creating a series of videos for youtube/your website

Now, to ensure that we get things done we need to take start getting active.

As you know I’m all about the vision then the beliefs (right mindset), then the strategy and finally the action.

This is how we will see results manifest in our reality.

So set yourself up with a morning routine to ensure that every single day you are taking action.

I build personalised morning routines with my Coaching Clients and I have the 5 Morning Success Rituals which you can download here.

Here’s a small overview of a simple routine:

1: Start the day with a large glass of water

2: Do at least 10-30 minutes of physical activity – yoga, stretching and/or a 20 minute walk a day

3: Gratitude journaling. Be grateful from the moment you wake up. Positivity stays within your sub-conscious mind and helps you start the day off positively

4: Visualising and meditating

5: Ensure you eat healthily as this will boost your productivity for the day too. Feed your body and mind to perform at the best it can so your business and life can be the best it can

Then focus on your priority action of the day.

You could choose to dedicate a set chunk of time to do this and diarise it.

Make it as important as any other appointments you have :-)

I do all of these things and it has helped me to build a business and lifestyle I love.

I always start with a vision and over-arching intention of what I wish to achieve

I ensure I write down wish-lists and do vision-boards.

I take the time to ‘imagine’ what it would look like and feel like to be doing what it is I would love to do…

For example..

Feel and look fit and healthy…

Have ‘x’ amount of clients each week

Have fun times with family and travel

Create something that I would love to receive for my own clients

Now all of things become so much easier if we do this with someone, and we have a plan of action we can refer to.

If you don’t already have a journal or planner of choice, then I have created a soulspace weekly planner sheet for you.

Decorate it, doodle on it, colour it, or use it as it is to ensure you have your personal Morning Routine and actions written down.

And you’ve set your priorty task for the day so you can tick it off.

Knowing you are well on your way to achieving your ONE BIG GOAL in the next 90 Days.

I am super excited for you!

It feels amazing when you ‘get there’ and get this goal ticked off and get from Dream to Done!

If you would like access to more tips, strategies, ideas and updates on courses – please join my free Manifesting Miracles Facebook Community here.

In the mean-time, let me know over on Instagram how you’re getting on!

I would love to hear.



Your Guide To Creating The Right Space And Energy To Meditate And Visualise


How To Start Creating Your 90 Day Goal-Achieving Plan!