The 7 Biggest Blocks To Achieving Your Goals (And What To Do)

What makes people set goals at the start of a New Year, but find they’re struggling to meet or keep them up by February/March time?

And by the end of the year, feel they’re back to where they were?

If we want different results in our lives and actually see our dreams come true…

We need to understand where we are now, where we wish to be, and what will take us there and start doing things differently - which I outline below.

In this post I highlight some of the biggest challenge areas and how to start overcoming them…

Having worked with many clients over the last 8 years and observed these blocks…

Along with my own training with the best mindset mentors (Coaches & Healers), these are the 7 top areas to overcome to reach our goals (and not allow the blocks or hurdles to win!)

The 7 biggest blocks to achieving goals and how to start overcoming them:

1. You don’t have a clear enough vision

‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ is a famous biblical quote…and yet it’s still true today.

When you hear people saying they want ‘more money’ for example, this could mean anything from finding a note on the floor to being gifted £50…

Unless we have a super clear image, that’s really formed and specific, we may find we only receive vague and inconsistent results in our lives when it comes to our goals and dreams.

Start to get into the detail and form a really clear image in your mind’s eye first.

2. Do you believe your dream/goal is possible?

If you set yourself a goal or dream and don’t actually believe it’s possible, it’s like setting out on a journey and not believing you’ll ever get to your destination (you probably wouldn’t bother!).

You have to believe you can (and will) achieve it.

Ask yourself the following:

What would it take for me to believe this is possible?

And identify any ‘blocks’ to feeling or believing it’s possible - I do this with Theta Healing® - and then clear them.

You need to believe that what you desire is possible to achieve, but you don’t need to know the how. Faith trumps fear every time. Cultivate faith.

3. You’re gaining too much from your current situation or you haven’t learnt the lesson…

As ironic as that sounds, one of the biggest reasons people don’t move forward with their goals and dreams is they’re getting a gain with being stuck where they are!

It could be that by being ‘broke’ they always get the bargains, discounts and ‘good deals’…

Or if you want to start your own business, but currently in an employed position, you feel ‘safe’ being employed…

Or if you’d love to meet a soul-mate, but you’ve been hurt in the past, maybe on some deep level you’re avoiding being hurt or feeling pain again by remaining single…

What to do then?

Decide the gain will be greater than your current beliefs or feelings or pain…

And trust it’s possible, because I was one of those people: things didn’t change until I truly committed to doing whatever it took to become unstuck!

Or, if you feel you’re experiencing repeating patterns and the same things occur year in and year out, it could also be that you’ve not yet ‘learnt the lesson’ -

Planet Earth is like a great training ground for us souls to evolve to the greatest level we can…

It could be you need to learn true forgiveness, patience, strength, courage - or anything similar.

Once you ‘get the lesson’ and apply the learning (knowledge without application remains knowledge and keeps us stuck also: wisdom is quite literally ‘right knowledge in action’), then you can move forward.

4. You haven’t understood what the ‘blocks’ are at a deep sub-conscious level.

As 5% of thought/beliefs are conscious, this means the other 95% of our beliefs are held in the sub-conscious…

We have already been programmed or conditioned at a young age. And that’s why we do what we do today and get the results we’re currently getting.

We are quite literally programmed to be, do and achieve what we’re achieving currently.

Without awareness of these sub-conscious programs or beliefs, it’s much harder to change them.

This is exactly why I started Theta Healing®

And it’s now why I offer the TIR & Quantum Results Coaching Program

Because many moons ago, I realised I was doing all the ‘doing’ but getting stuck and only making slow or inconsistent progress and I couldn’t understand why.

Paradigms - which are a collection of beliefs & ideas held in the sub-conscious mind from previous messages and experiences in life - keep us at the current level we’re at.

To change them, we need to start changing our programming and that starts with changing our thought and thought-patterns and deep (sub-conscious) beliefs.

5. Focusing on current results as an indicator of what’s possible

One of the biggest blockers to realising goals or dreams is looking at current results as an indicator of what’s possible!

Noooo - we need to build an internal image and dream first.

All dreams and goals start in the mind and heart first… then they become realised in the tangible world.

Bank statements, School report cards - i.e. current situations, are only a record of where our thoughts have been in the past.

To get different results we need to focus on the new things we wish to bring in in our future mind’s eye - not current things as they are.

Again, belief is essential - along with the mental image of what you want rather than what is (currently).

6. You can’t create new results with your old or existing identity that doesn’t match your dreams or goals!

All of us carry a mental image of the person we are (who and what we identify with). This image corresponds with the results we’re currently getting.

To get different results you will need to change the image and identity you hold of yourself

For example, if you’re trying to release weight, but your sub-conscious conditioning has led you to learn (or believe) you are the ‘chubby one’ in the family - that image will keep that locked into place and you will see it manifest in reality (i.e. you can’t lose weight).

Or, if you’ve only ever earnt a certain amount of money (and you can’t seem to rise above it), then your identity is set to default mode of someone who earns that amount of money.

Don’t underestimate the power of paradigms - these are the root cause of our current results in life!

Ask yourself:

What would I need to believe if I wanted [x] result (insert your dream/desire]?

What would someone who has this result already have to have believed about themselves?

And what actions would I need to take to support this coming into being?

We need to create a new identity + beliefs, and develop new habits (actions) that correspond with our goal/dream.

We can’t keep thinking the same thoughts, holding the same image/identity of ourselves and doing the same things (actions) day in and day out and expect different results!

However, to start creating the different habits (which = our results) we need to work on the root cause first…

This is the mental imaging, beliefs and feelings we hold inside on a sub-conscious level - this is why mindset and heartset are the keys to having what you truly desire - when these are re-set and created, the habits and actions will follow suit naturally.

7. Trying to do it alone

It took me far too many years to figure out that not investing in myself (with healers, mentors and coaches) was actually a far great cost (loss) than finding the money and taking the plunge.

When I tried to do it alone, it was hard…

Took a long time and was very slow…

It was confusing and I had no-one to ask when it felt like it wasn’t working

I had no-one holding me to account, or celebrating the wins with me or shedding light on my own internal blocks (belief systems)

And no-one to release and work on changing them with me.

When I finally started truly investing in myself with the best healers, coaches and mentors, then, without a doubt, I saw the biggest, fastest shifts ever!

It is because of those people that I am where I am today.

These include being in the best most loving, soul-mate relationship, seeing my daughter forger her own art career as a successful artist (and not buy-in to collective consciousness beliefs about ‘the poor artist’!)…

It’s why I’m running a business and years later still here with the most amazing clients and celebrating their wins with them too!

It’s why everyday I’m committed to being the change I wish to see in the world.

The world needs your gifts, your light, your manifestations…

And when you change, the world changes.

My best advice: don’t succumb to the blocks!

Learn what they are and gift yourself with the tools to rise over and above and beyond them, so you get to be, do and have exactly what you desire and start creating a world you want to live in too.

With love,


Check out our up-coming in-person Theta Healing® Courses here

Read more about the TIR & Quantum Results Program here

And send me an email if you’d like to chat about any of the above


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