How To Work With The Laws of the Universe To Create Dreams

Many people aren’t taught about the Laws of the Universe, let alone how to work with them…

However, they can be summarised simply as…

What we give out, comes back to us.

As Florence Scovel Shinn says:

“The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.”

Unfortunately, we’ve been conditioned to ‘believe’ things that do not serve us and are quite un-natural to our own inherent state of being as a human being (or human becoming) which is a powerful Divine Co-Creator of reality…

Therefore, we can find thoughts that are working against us (and the Laws of the Universe) instead of for us.

Many carry deep rooted beliefs of unworthiness, being unlove-able, or perceive lack or that things will ‘go wrong’ or fail.

This is where it all begins to change - yay!

Below I highlight just some of the laws and ways you can work with them:

  1. The Law of Imagination/Thought: Use your imagination to build a clear vision or image of what you desire and hold that image in your mind (rather than ruminate on what you don’t like or want) - remember you are creating something ‘new’ so avoid reacting to or thinking about ‘current results’.

  2. The Law of Vibration: next, act as though your idea is already here. Bring it to life and, through the Law of Vibration, you will attract to you all that is in harmonious vibration with these thoughts and feelings. We attract what we ‘be’ not what we want (human ‘being’ - ‘be-have' (behave)- words are telling ;-) )

  3. The Law of Rhythm decrees that everything is moving to and fro, ebb and flow i.e. swinging back and forth. The high tide always follows the low tide and vice versa. Remember that when things seem in a downward spiral or swing, remember they’re not always going to be like this. Things will turn around. (remembering this is vital for your support and growth so you don’t ‘give up’ :-) )

  4. The Law of Cause and Effect. This law proves that for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. Every cause has an effect; and every effect, a cause.

    Instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong, (remembering whatever you send into the Universe, including your thoughts, comes back to you), always, remember to continue focus on what you desire (work, clients, relationship, health, wealth) - as you’ll take actions that correspond with this desire, rather than taking actions that correspond with any thoughts of failure or lack.

  5. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation decrees that energy moves into physical form. Therefore as thoughts are energy, focus your attention on the idea you desire, hold it in your mind and if you nourish it, it must move into its physical form (think of the relationship, work, abundance you desire). In other words, the images you hold in your mind most often materialise into results in your life.

  6. The Law of Polarity decrees that everything has an opposite: Hot—Cold … Up—Down … Night—Day. Step into your power to ‘create’ by changing your perception. If you look at a supposedly negative situation from a different angle (perspective) - (such as a house you wanted not happening), or a challenging person, or circumstance, you may realise there is a valuable gift, learning or lesson in there.

    Once you see it or learn it, you can move on. Learn to see things as happening ‘for you’ rather than ‘against you’ i.e. is this view, feeling, or ‘thing’ taking me closer or further away from my goal/dream/desire?

  7. The Law of Relativity demonstrates that all things are relative. We often talk about raising our vibration, yet, all rates of vibration are either high or low only by comparison with those above and below them. If you’re judging yourself for not being ‘there yet’ (goal or dream), instead, look at how far you’ve come and ask yourself what you need to do to move to the next level (and one step closer to your dream or goal) because, as this law decrees, everything is relative and we need to acknowledge our accomplishments (rather than always seek the lack or ‘not achieved yet’)

Remember you are perfect as you are: your Spiritual DNA is perfect…

It’s our thoughts and beliefs that take us out of alignment with our inherent Divinity and ability to create desires.

And where you are now is perfect for your growth.

Stay in the enquiry:

What beliefs do I need to release?

What support do I need for this next part of my journey?

What law do I need to work with to start creating more of what I desire?

And are my thoughts, words and actions in harmony with that?

Here are a few tips that will help reinforce your learning to think thoughts that are in harmony with the laws:

  • Always support and be kind to yourself (never criticise yourself)

  • Read and study every day

  • Express gratitude every day

  • Say, write and listen to affirmations

  • Visualise & meditate

Immense gratitude to my teacher and mentor Bob Proctor, who has taught me much and helped changed my life beyond my wildest dreams, along with Vianna Stibal who introduced Theta Healing®, which has revolutionised my world (and thoughts/belief systems and also seen changes beyond my wildest visions).

To learn more about Theta Healing® see 1:2:1 Session options here and all our in-person certified Theta Healing® Courses here.

And to learn more about the laws and the higher human faculties to see build dreams and see them come into manifest reality - see the Thinking Into Results & Quantum Results Coaching Program here.

If you’re ready to change your world, I’m ready to support you!



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