What is Dream-weaving?

Right now, I believe we’re living through an extra-ordinary time in history.

I believe there is a huge awakening to the Divine Feminine, our own innate and Divine powers and unity of both the Divine Feminine & Masculine, and it’s very much needed.

There is an awakening for many that what has been deemed as ‘normal’, is actually unhealthy and destructive.

I am seeing (through my energy healing work), more and more people waking up to fact that the way we live is - and has been - far from normal (or ‘natural’) for us.

We’ve raped, pillaged and toxified Mother Earth, normalised war, aggression and poverty - whereas I believe, we are all sparks of Divinity, and therefore abundance, love, harmony, health are our Divine birthright and it’s time to reclaim them fully.

I believe we’re at a critical time to re-member’ (bring back to wholeness and unity) who we really are…

And invoke our Source-consciousness ability to create what we desire, and remove the mind-programming scripts (conditioning) that’s led many to believe it’s ‘normal’ or ‘natural’ to do what we do and live the way we do.

We are set for a complete dis-connection from Mother Earth and ourselves in favour of the ‘machine’ if we do not act now.

I trained in Fine Art & Design in my twenties and later on in Theta Healing® due to a calling to work with energy and consciousness and learn how to create from a space of conscious intention. My number one fascination and study for years has been:

How do we create our reality?

And what is being called for right now? (and what am I being called to do right now?)

You can answer these questions too and there may be many answers…

Yet I know, feel and believe there are many souls here at this time who are being ‘called’ to birth something new…

Because the ‘old ways’ set by a few, are crippling and shifting our collective reality in a way that does not appear to serve the greatest Good of all and respect the Divine - including the form of Mother Earth - and many other things besides.

I believe ‘now’ is an amazing opportunity for change.

I’ve been blessed to work with, and discover, there are many, many souls here, at this time, who have answered some ancient (or new?) call to help birth a new paradigm.

We’re right in the throws of the ‘death’ of the old, and birthing of the new.

It is not an easy time.

Yet it’s a time to remember ‘dream-weaving’ (or ‘creating’ or ‘manifesting’) - in all its forms.

We are powerful beyond measure, and able to create new things for ourselves both individually and collectively.

We’re going through a process of waking up to our Creator-given power, and we’re at a pivotal moment in history where if we re-member and access our power to create in the intangible-realm or imagination and weave it into the 3D manifest world, we can create anew what is so keenly needed at this time.

Dream-weaving or creating or ‘manifesting (or even ‘magnetising’) are not new concepts and relate to one of the Laws of the Universe: the Law of Vibration.

In my first forays into researching Dream-weaving, I came across Dreamtime or Dreaming as part of Australian Aboriginal belief-systems:

The Dreamtime is the period in which life was created according to Aboriginal culture. Dreaming is the word used to explain how life came to be; it is the stories and beliefs behind creation.”

As far back as I can remember, ‘dreaming’ or the realm of ideas is where everything starts: a belief, a dream, a thought, an idea.

The metaphysical realm is where the physical realm originates.

We have to ‘see’ it in our ‘mind’s eye’ before we can start creating it, or crafting it into matter.

Dreaming is essential, yet we’ve been taught that ‘day-dreaming’ is a waste of time (it is far from it! It is very much needed as long as it’s positive).

We’ve been taught to focus on ‘doing’ rather than taking time to create and ‘be’.

A state of ‘being’ - is the pre-requisite for ‘doing’ and together they bring things into ‘form’.

Dreaming has always been one of my own favourite past-times.

Dreaming about what I would like to see happen in my life or the world at large.

I believe the time has now come to re-visit the idea of Dreaming and Dream-weaving.

Dream-weaving for me is the process of utilising and harnessing our:

  • Imagination

  • Intuition

  • Inspiration

  • Energy/Consciousness

  • Creativity

  • Grounded action

To create at a soul-level and bring into ‘matter’ (reality) whilst being connected to the ultimate Creative Spirit (Divine Creator of all-that-is), so that we can weave a new reality into being that serves all in the highest and best way whilst valuing the Sacred (the Divine/Life in all it’s forms).

When we bring mind, body, spirit, emotion, pysche (ancient Greek word for Soul) into balance and harmony + use them together, we start to embody and evoke all levels of consciousness and therefore the powerful creative forces within, and around us, to bring forth (manifest) what we desire.

We could call that manifestation, magnetism, alchemy, magic, design, reality, creativity, Law of Attraction - it does not really matter what words we use…

What’s important is we remember we’re powerful Creators who can ‘dream’ things into being by awakening and activating our senses and consciousness on all levels and taking grounded physical action (dream-weaving).

When we ‘weave’ all of the different aspects and levels we can create from: sound/spoken word, movement, thought, action, intention, consciousness, imagination, creativity, feeling, being, inspiration, intuition, ritual (look up theurgy), soul or higher-self access…

We’re powerfully evoking the state of ‘becoming’ and bringing into ‘being’ desires.

We’re called Human ‘Beings’ afterall ;-)

We have great power to evoke a state of becoming/being and activate it here on Earth.

Let no-one have you believe differently, or that you are unable to Create at a most powerful level.

We’re all powerful Creators; individually and even more so collectively.

I am answering a call to share all I have learnt, and trained in so far in my life, with you.

Dreamweaving is what we do in Theta Healing® - you learn how to embody all of this (it changed my life).

Yet like most things, you need to ‘experience’ it to fully embody its power and understanding.

I’m now teaching Theta Healing® (in-person) and you can see my current courses listed here.

And I’m also offering Coaching Services that will Teach, Coach and Mentor you in the exact Laws of The Universe and Principles of Creation

So that you can work through the manifestation process with a precise methodology (this is currently by invitation only, if you’re interested please email me here).

I invite you to join me if you too feel the call to find ways to bring your Greatest Dreams into being and a greater vision of what’s possible in the world with a vast, fun and powerful toolkit.

The Theta Healing® Courses + Coaching & courses (see my Quantum Creator online course here), all explore all ideas around Dreamweaving and creating/manifesting - together we can be the change we wish to see in the world, starting with each of us weaving our dreams into being.

With love,



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