3 Powerful Steps To Start Connecting With Your Soul (& Your Soul's Calling)

Do you ever wonder how you can have a deeper connection to your soul and your soul’s callings?

We live in times where many aspects of our daily lives pull us away from our inner-world and a sense of connectedness to ourselves.

The spiritual, sacred and Divine aspects of life can become side-lined through constant ‘doing’ and not enough ‘being’.

Not nurturing our connection to ourselves at a soul-level, can have a huge impact on our well-being.

Below are 3 powerful steps that I use in my Theta Healing® work with clients to support a re-connection to our soul-aspect as Divine Beings:

  1. Firstly, I invite you to sit quietly, close your eyes and become conscious of your breath. Take a moment to tune into your heart area, then ask to be shown by your higher self, what your heart is doing. Does it have anything around it? A sheath or protective wall or shell? Does it feels like it’s been been hurt or broken… Is there energy there that isn’t your own? Is it feeling expanded or contracted? Light or heavy? You may see colours there too. Do you feel connected to it?

    By making a connection and relationship with your heart - the heart being a key area associated with the seat of the soul within the body - you begin to notice and nurture both an understanding of how energy works and your relationship to yourself at a soul-level.

  2. Next, begin to ask your higher-self or soul-self questions. For example: what needs to happen in order for my heart to feel whole and complete? Or, what do I need to do to release any protection around my heart? How do I expand my heart’s energy? Breathe deeply and stay within a meditative state tuning into and ‘seeing’ or ‘sensing’ what your heart needs at this soul level as well as what it’s doing.

    By becoming aware and asking questions, you open up an opportunity and channel for answers to become clear to you. You begin to develop an understanding of what is happening for you at an energetic level and developing a relationship with yourself at a soul-level.

    Developing awareness through this regular meditative practice and and connecting to yourself at a soul-level, answers you seek and next steps often become much clearer.

  3. My 3rd step and invitation is: ask the question/s: “what is my heart (soul) longing to do right now?” What is it yearning for? What is missing from my life that I would love to be doing?

    Whatever comes to mind, let it flow intuitively without judgement from your logical mind.

    Release all thoughts of ‘I can’t do that’, and banish the ‘I’m too old/young’, ‘not good enough’, ‘intelligent or skilled enough’ thoughts from you mind. When you imagine doing something; if your heart feels expanded, light, and joyous, that’s your soul talking to you and calling you… The final part is to take action.

    Today, I invite you to honour the callings of your soul. Is it time for a change of work? Job? Relationship? Environment? It is time to honour more creativity in your life? Or travel, adventure, or joy in the form of something you love doing?

    By taking embodied next steps you’re making manifest this connection to yourself at a soul-level.

    To really feel and see the benefits, take grounded action and notice the shifts that happen by honouring your connection to you at a soul-level.

    Even if it’s just small, baby steps. Ask yourself: “what can I do today to move toward this soul-calling?”

    Many of us ignore the callings of our soul which leave us feeling disconnected, or un-inspired, stuck or struggling in some way.

    Yet the more you take time to connect to your soul and inner world and take small action-steps, the more life will begin to feel aligned, joyous and in flow for you.

There are deeper ways to connect with a next level of your soul-self, but these are powerful first steps to begin your relationship and connection.

If you want to understand more about how you can clear energies you feel no longer belong in your body, or around your heart, or you want to understand how to listen to your soul/higher-self or intuition at a much deeper level….

You might be ready to experience Theta Healing® to support you in making leaps towards your soul’s calling; whether it’s doing your passion, fulfilling dreams or releasing any limitations.

Theta Healing® will help identify, clear and shift any blocks in a powerful way and create the right energetic blueprint for you to move forward and toward your soul’s callings.

You can find out more on Theta Healing and how to book in a private Theta Healing® Session here.

Let me know how you found doing these 3 steps.



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