4 Ways To Make Your Home a Living Vision-Board (To Call In Your Dreams)

Our energy, intention and action in the present moment is what calls in our future…

On the healing journey, so much is about making peace with the past (letting it go, forgiving it, healing it) and moving forward in ease, joy and grace..

As well as taking grounded action whilst being connected to our soul’s desires.

Where there is still un-resolved conflict, challenge or pain within us, there is more ‘work’ to do…

However, the more ‘work’ we do, the more things (and we) evolve and the more fun and adventurous the ‘journey’ becomes.

You may begin to realise that by releasing the past and focusing on the present, you can call in a brighter and more positive future as you set about experimenting with the ideas I share with you here at Soul Space Healers.

And your home environment is a great place to evoke and amplify the healing journey and to call in your soul’s deepest desires (that aren’t here yet!)

Your environment affects you.

It quite often reflects your state of mind or being and as it’s a visual place, it holds images and energies…

The question is:

Are those visual images, objects and energies serving me and reflecting what I wish to be, and what I wish to call in to my life now?

Below are 4 of my key strategies to create a home that supports the healing journey and helps manifest a future you desire:

1) Tune into the objects, images, colours, furniture and ask yourself - where did this come from? What does it represent to me? And how does it make me feel?

If it’s tired, or old, or belonged to someone else (who’s no longer in your life), is it time to clear it out? Time to update or refresh it, or change it or the colour to represent who you are and what you dream of for your now and for your future?

De-cluttering and clearing out the old makes space for the new to come in.

I clear out and de-clutter on a regular basis and ask myself the above questions.

2) Choose to have intentional items around you that represent the things you love and desire. It could be items that make you feel abundant, inspired, connected to nature (if that’s what you desire more of).

It could be colours that represent the energies and emotions you wish to feel and call in.

By having them in your home, and around you, they will stimulate and remind your sub-conscious mind symbolically - because the psyche works in symbolism.

I choose lots of white as it makes me feel calm, it feels spacious and like a clear backdrop for me to dream - I dream consciously and intentionally as I imagine what I would like during waking hours.

I also like natural textures and objects as they make me feel connected to Mother Nature - soul-food.

3) Pin up visual images of things you would like to experience, become, or do…

This could be anything from pinning up images of your desired holiday destination…

The environment of a dream job you wish to have…

Or images of overseas voluntary work or adventures you wish to have (pin up the exact destination) + who and what you will be surrounded with.

Maybe the physique you are working toward - it will inspire you to continue with the action and create a new identity in your sub-conscious mind.

I like to pin up postcards or pull pages from magazines or even books I buy from second hand places (that I don’t mind pulling apart!)

4) Have objects, images, colours or furniture around you that represent your values.

When you declare your values within your home - like anywhere else; the universe will bring you more of what you focus on.

It is the same with your dreams…

What do you dream of or wish for right now?

Go and buy or find a symbolic representation of what you desire and put it where you will see it regularly, because what we feed our sub-conscious (and conscious) mind, regularly with, will be what we focus on, and what we focus on we tend to get more of.

If it’s writing a book, or becoming an amazing photographer, or travelling overseas for whatever reason you hold close to your heart… you may want to put books and beautiful pens around, you may want to put up inspiring photographs of your favourite photographer… Or images or objects from your chosen destination…

Be creative…

Use this blog post as a springboard to think deeply about what you what you need to let go of in your life (and use your home to start that process)…

Then; what would you like to feel? And start adding things to your home that make you feel good.

Start to play with re-creating an environment that does this for you on every level.

You don’t have to do it all at once.

Change comes about bit by bit. One baby step at a time.

Focus on a shelf, a wall, a room and go gently as you build your home into a living, feeling, representation of you, your values and desires.

You may also want to download the worksheet below to support you in creating a vision-board which you can also put up in your home (frame it even, or simply hang it where you can see it).

By adding your details below you will be able to access the worksheet straight away (the link to download it will be in the thank you box).




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