What is Theta Healing®? Your Complete and Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever wondered why some people’s lives seem so full of good luck, magic, and amazing things?

And have you ever wondered why things in your own life feel ‘hard’, ‘challenging’ or just not panning out as you’d like?

I was that person, and it took me on a voyage of discovery…

And every single book, course, training, healing I did - led me back to one thing:

Your consciousness (thoughts, beliefs and feelings) dictate your experiences…

The good news?

YOU get to create your reality… Yet the key question is:

HOW do I get to create my own reality?

Here’s introducing THETA HEALING ® and how it can help change your world for the better.

Key facts about Theta Healing®

Theta Healing® is a spiritual and scientific based healing modality and meditation technique that facilitates positive and beneficial changes in your mind/body belief system, because every experience, thought, impression and feeling we’ve had lingers in our sub-conscious at a cellular level.

We are a combination of mind, body, soul and spirit and to deny one aspect leaves us mis-understanding our journey through life, especially when it comes to creating good things, success and positive experiences.

  • The Theta Healing® technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995

  • Vianna used it during her own journey back to health, when conventional medical treatment had failed

  • It empowers us with a spiritual connection grounded with a scientific underpinning (kinesiology)

  • The intention is to improve mind, body and spirit & enabling a greater connection with your soul, intuition and Creator of All That Is

  • It is non-denominational and non-exclusive - it’s open and accessible to all peoples

  • It is taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicines

How Does Theta Healing® work then?

When we choose to change what we believe, it changes how we feel, which leads to making different decisions and taking new actions…

And this is how we start to get ‘new’ or different results in life.

Theta Healing® works by accessing the subconscious mind (held in your body) in order to change any negative or limiting beliefs and feelings into empowering ones.

It is a meditation technique that allows access to your subconscious beliefs and feelings.

Working with an experienced practitioner means together you identify limiting beliefs held in your subconscious mind/body with ‘energy-scanning’ and muscle testing, (derived from kinesiology) to discover what you believe at a deep level.

Any negative or limiting thoughts can then be ‘re-set’ with empowering, positive and life-enhancing beliefs. When your beliefs change, so do your thoughts, feelings and actions.

The subconscious mind is accessed through the theta brainwave. Brainwaves are the way neurons in our brain communicate with one another.

Entering the Theta Brainwave state allows you to :

  1. Enter deep relaxation and connect your conscious mind with your sub-conscious mind

  2. Access your creativity in order to bring about positive change

  3. Increase your sense of inner peace and emotional stability

  4. Access and improve your memory

  5. Heighten your intuition and inspiration

  6. Re-set (re-program) dominant negative conscious thought and limiting sub-conscious thoughts

  7. Increases your psychic abilities and sense of spiritual connection & connection with Divinity & Source

By using theta meditation techniques, we become extremely receptive to information sent from higher dimensions.

This technique is aided by becoming aware of what language you use (dominated by your thoughts about things).

You can then begin to change the thoughts you have, the language you use to describe your life and experiences and become more intentional about how these thoughts, beliefs, feelings, words and actions are actually creating your reality…

You will understand how we create both CONSCIOUSLY and UN-CONSCIOUSLY and how many of our ‘negative’ experiences actually come from other pre-programmed times and places…

For example if you were told as a child “you are stupid”, or “you will fail if you do that”, or “we can’t afford that, so you can’t have that” - start to see if any messages you received as a child are ‘playing out’ as a reality for you now…

Awareness is the first step to change something.

By tapping into the sub-conscious mind, you can discover what is being held at a sub-cellular level that you may not have even been aware of.

In order to make changes in the subconscious, all brainwaves are used.

Practitioners consciously (beta) access the subconscious (theta) to apply super learning (gamma) to re-set programmes into your subconscious (theta) and allow them to flow (alpha) into your present and conscious mind (beta), to change or resolve the challenges you have in your life.

What are the 5 brainwave patterns?

  1. BETA: The beta frequency is the cycle you use most of the time – it is when your mind is ‘engaged’, for example, reading this you’re in beta. It’s our waking state, responsible for the 5 senses and our perception of time and space

  2. ALPHA: The alpha frequency is between 8 & 12 Hz. This state is prominent when in a relaxed or meditative state, such as light sleep, meditation or using your intuition and not ‘concentrating’ on anything in particular. There are no time and space limitations.

  3. THETA: Theta waves are reached when in a deep relaxed state of mind or when going into internal focus, meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness. It reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep and relates to the subconscious mind. It can be reached through hypnosis and it is here changes can be made at a deep level when in this relaxed state.

  4. DELTA: A delta state of mind is most associated with deep sleep. Primarily involved in un-conscious processing. It is a restorative state that allows us to renew and regenerate from processing in awake states.

  5. GAMMA: The gamma state of mind is the state we are in when using high levels of thought and focus. Gamma waves appear to be involved in higher mental activity including perception and consciousness, peak concentration and problem-solving.

What happens during a Theta Healing® Session?

By working with an experienced practitioner, the Theta Healing® technique allows you to access the sub-conscious mind/body in order to make life-long changes, followed up by the ‘right’ action and creating new habits in thought, word, feeling and actions.

By creating a relaxing environment your practitioner will guide you through the Theta Meditation and technique.

Together you will identify any limiting beliefs or feelings held in the mind/body, you will gain an understanding or ‘learning’ before releasing this energy (again you will be guided).

Then new ‘downloads’ (positive beliefs and feelings) will be brought in.

Permission is always asked first, whether to access your energy or to release or bring in a new belief or feeling.

Although each Theta Healing® practitioner will have their own style, a typical session will involve an intuitive energy-scan, uncovering beliefs/feelings holding you back, then the healing, then bringing in new beliefs/feelings.

You will be shown how the muscle testing technique works to see what beliefs you have, known or unknown to you (watch an example in the video below with celebrity Jessica Simpson).

Practitioners then work on key areas you’d like to explore or change, always asking for your verbal permission before every belief change and for any healing undertaken.

Most people will experience change within one session, but the most powerful work is done with a minimum of 3 to 6 sessions+ because each Theta Healing® session will uncover layers that have built up around the golden centre of who we really are.

The more work done on limiting belief systems, old patterns and paradigms + the more complex and deep an issue is, the more benefit there is from doing more than one session.

What Can Theta Healing® Support Me With?

Theta Healing® can help with many, many things from manifesting things you desire (by understanding what beliefs have been holding you back), to releasing anxiety, fear, depression or even phobias.

It gives you the power and tools to change repeated or recurring core challenges such as negative relationships, unsatisfying work, lack of abundance (in any area of your life).

And it will empower you to ‘create’ or ‘attract’ the things you DO want to show up in your life.

Essentially we are each responsible for HOW we respond to ‘things in life’.

And it is these responses - in thought, word, feeling and action - that will dictate your choices and therefore experiences.

By becoming aware of deeply buried, ‘default’ feelings and beliefs, we can then start to make powerful changes through acknowledging them then changing them.

Know you have the power to change things around.

Here’s a sample list of things Theta Healing® can help with:

  • Anger management

  • Clearing resentment

  • Healing grief

  • Dissolving fears

  • Releasing guilt

  • Ending phobias or anxiety

  • Connecting with your Soulmate

  • Building amazing relationships

  • Creating clear/firm boundaries without guilt, fear or shame

  • Leaving negative situations

  • Creating positive experiences

  • Building self-worth & value

  • Creating mindsets (and heart-sets) for ‘success’

  • Creating abundance (in all ways)

  • Giving you the tools to build your idea life, business, world

  • Connecting with your spiritual self/innate wisdom

  • Being able to listen to, trust & act on your intuition

  • Feelings of safety

  • Empowerment

  • Re-aligning you with your higher-self & Divine Source

Why is Theta Healing® Different To Other Healing Modalities?

In one way it isn’t…

It’s just an incredibly comprehensive healing modality that encompasses many aspects related to many types of healing that we know of today.

This includes working with Quantum Energy, to mindset (belief work), to working with your chakras and energy centres.

Plus, it works by accessing your higher self, sub-conscious and intuitive self which can include past life regression (where relevant to beliefs/feelings/situations still playing out today), and it works with Creator of all that is.

It utilises meditation and mindfulness in the highest and best way and it is both discursive and energy-based.

It is a deeply powerful blend of spirituality and practical scientific-based work that is suitable to people from all walks of life and all religious and spiritual backgrounds.

The essential requirements from you?

A belief in its power and willingness to be open enough to create positive changes in your life and heal any past pain knowing you have the power to do so.

Why Should I Consider Theta Healing®?

If you believe you create your reality, and yet things in your ‘reality’ are not working out as you would like or believe they should have, then Theta Healing® will give you both powerful answers and empowering techniques to see positive change immediately.

As humans’s we’re here on a journey of the soul (we’re spiritual beings having a human experience).

And with each layer of pain or trauma left over from negative experiences or from being part of a collective consciousness or from a lineage carrying generational beliefs and feelings that do not serve us, we have a chance to make lasting change for ourselves and for others.

Any negative or limiting beliefs or feelings can be peeled away, enabling us to evolve into higher levels of consciousness, which by the laws of the universe, can only lead to better and greater experiences as we evolve ourselves and our consciousness.

By taking intentional and committed action to heal, and to make and see changes…

You begin to release the limiting, negative or disempowering beliefs or feelings (you didn’t even know you had!) that have been holding you back or creating negative ‘experiences’ for you.

And you will walk away knowing how to create positive, life-empowering and enhancing mindsets and feelings to create a successful life you love, by your own doing.

If you are interested in this fast-growing and effective modality, book in your own private 1:2:1 session or package to experience the life-changing benefits.

Amelia Critchlow


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