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Theta Healing® DNA 1 (Level 1) with Amelia Critchlow

  • Emerson College Forest Row RH18 5JX Unitied Kingdom (map)


Friday 27th October-Sunday 29th October 2023
IN-PERSON EVENT - limited places available!

Theta Healing® Basic DNA Course: 27th October-29th October 2023

In this 3 day, in-person course, learn how to lift the self-limiting, sub-conscious beliefs that have been holding you back from living the life you desire.

Work with a group of like-hearted souls to transform your world instantly, by understanding and using the simple, yet powerful, techniques of Theta Healing®.

You will be guided through how to connect to Source Energy/Creator and understand how to enter the Theta State in order to make quantum leaps in all areas of your life.

Gain clarity, insight and understanding about why certain patterns have always been present in your life and why you've not been able to manifest the things you desire.

And more importantly learn how to change this and start making your dreams a reality with ease, grace, clarity and speed.

Understand how to connect with your intuition, will and imagination at a deeper level. Connect with Divine Source Energy in order to conduct healings, readings and quantum transformations for yourself and for others.

Discover how muscle testing works to uncover your negative thought and behaviour patterns, whilst learning how to change these patterns at core, genetic, historical and soul-levels to create new and positive energetic blueprints.

At the end of the 3 days, you will be a Certified Theta Practitioner, able to register on the ThINK website founded by Vianna Stibal.

Prerequisite: None Required
This course is a prerequisite for nearly all other Theta Healing® courses.


  • Theta Healing® Manual

  • Certification: You will become a Certified Theta Healing® DNA 1 Practitioner able to use these skills both personally and professionally. Also for those wanting to re-qualify.

Time: 10am-4.30pm
Where: Emerson College, Forest Row, RH18 5JX
Teacher: Amelia Critchlow
Investment: £455

If you have any questions, please contact:

In this 3 Day Course Explore & Learn:

  • Learn the Theta Healing® technique (Theta brain wave) and how to connect to Creation Energy

  • Activate and heighten your intuition so you can make more life-enhancing decisions

  • Gain knowledge on how to scan the human body for energetic blocks and illness

  • How to muscle test for deeply held beliefs & feelings (Applied Kinesiology)

  • How to identify and instantly shift/replace limiting beliefs and feelings on all levels and change your reality

  • Learn how to dig for a root or core belief that will release other surface beliefs

  • Explore how to use these techniques to up-level your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing

  • Instantly release deeply held fears, anger, resentment and rejection

  • How to connect with your Guardian Angels for readings and healings

  • Learn how to co-create a healing with the Creator of All That Is

  • How to align yourself with your most compatible or divine soul mate, or renew and add spark to your current relationship

  • How to ‘see’ your possible future, and to change it if you desire

  • Learn the techniques of manifesting and healing with Theta Healing®

  • Learn and receive a 12 strand DNA and the Youth & Vitality activation

  • Discover your soul and life purpose and how to fulfil them



AMelia Critchlow

A Master Theta Healer® with 7 years working with clients 1:2:1 to clear limiting beliefs and creating a life they love.

I discovered Theta Healing® in 2017 and it has changed my life beyond recognition.

Since taking my practitioner training I’ve supported 100’s of clients reclaim their power, understand what’s been holding them back and start manifesting desires + creating a ripple effect in the world. It’s time to end trauma, suffering, fear and disempowerment on every level.

Also BA & MA Trained Artist & Creative with over 20 years of Teaching & Tutoring as well as Certified Coach with Mind Space Associates. We create at every level of our being as we live in a harmonic universe - everything is connected and everything has a ripple effect.

I am a Qualified Practitioner in the following Theta Healing® Modules:

  • Basic DNA

  • Advanced DNA

  • Dig Deeper

  • You And The Creator

  • You And Your Inner Circle

  • You And Your Significant Other

  • Manifesting And Abundance

  • Wealth Consciousness

  • Game of Life

  • Rainbow Children (Building Intuition)

  • World Relations

  • You & The Earth

  • DNA 3

  • Planes of Existence

I am now an Instructor and look forward to welcoming you into Theta Healing® Basic with me in-person here in the UK, at Emerson College, Forest Row.

I look forward to meeting and working with you.


September 15

Theta Healing® Rainbow Children (For Adults)

November 14

How To Create & Manifest Your Dream Vision For 2024. Live Online Event