6 Top Tips on How To Attract Soul-Aligned Clients Today!

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Attracting clients into your business can feel like a huge challenge.

Especially if you are new to business-building or building the foundations of your passion-business (we have so much emotional investment in the thing we LOVE doing).

So in this blog post, I share some of my top tips to get going with attracting soul-aligned clients to build your heart-centred, passion-business (because the world needs you!)

How To Attract Soul-aligned, dream clients:

1)    Show up and share! If you’re not already on Social Media, set up a platform for you, your voice, your business! And share not only your values, but free-valuable content for your dream clients. Being visible and allowing people to get to know, like and trust you is essential for any solopreneur business.

2)    Reach out to people you already know, and instead of being ‘shy about selling’, consider sharing what you do with a passion, knowing that your service is helping to transform lives (as it has your own life!). Ask people if they would like help solving x, y or z problem and/or if they know anyone who would benefit from this service? Offer a ‘special’ or ‘introductory’ rate for these people, as these are people who already know, like and trust you.

3)    Be confident and know that the service you offer is of the highest-value. If you believe in you and your offer, others will believe in you too. Energy is palpable. Avoid hiding you, or what you believe in or stand for. By showing up as your true authentic self, people will know that you are the right person for them to work with.

4)    Engage with and speak to your audience (your dream people that is!) Find out what they dream of, what they struggle with, what their desires and motivations are. This is a key element and was missing from many of the business building programs I did. Hence why it’s an intrinsic part of my Passion To Profit Program, and has seen many of my clients get fully booked just from this element alone! It’s powerful.

5)    Work on Mindset. 80% is Mindset & 20% is Strategy & Skills in Business Building. Explore and understand what beliefs you have about ‘business’, about ‘marketing’, about ‘selling’ and ‘client-attraction’ and uncover if you need to do any mindset shifts. For example, do you hold the belief, that it’s hard to attract clients? Negative or limiting beliefs can be one of the biggest blocks to building your passion business.

6)    Consistency in business is key. I understand human-beings ebb and flow and as a solopreneur business builder, sometimes you feel like showing up and sometimes you don’t, yet, from personal experience building a business takes time and energy (it can be pleasureable energy by the way) but it’s essential to be consistent in your own way, so people can trust you and know you are reliable and professional. If shops are going to be shut, they let you know when, they don’t just open randomly one day, and decide to shut the next. It’s the same for you. If you don’t want to ‘show up’ every day, find a rhythm and method that works for you and builds your own consistency. I explore all of this with my clients.

Are you ready to delve more deeply into building your business?

I have a beautiful 5 day foundational training course that will get you off to a flying start, where I share key Soul Space Business Building methods and magic…

Imagine getting your first clients in the next 5 days…

And seeing payments coming in by the end of the week… whoop!

And learn key soul-aligned client attractions methods in the next 5 days that you can apply for life!

If you’re ready to claim your super powers and get paid for showing up and being you….get instant access to my online training here:

The Soul Space 5 Day Client Attraction Formula

Let me know your thoughts, I’d love to hear.



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